The Country of India on the Continent of Asia. Bordered by Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and a small portion of China. The capital of India is Delhi.
There are over 1 Billion people that live in the country of India!
Prayer Points:
* Only 2.5 % of the 1 billion people are Christians
* India has more people groups with NO Christians, churches or missionaries than ANY country in the world.
* Street Kids - some parents can not afford food, clothing, shelter, etc for their children and so they kick them out into the streets to take care of themselves
*Leprosy - 1.5 million people have this disease (63 % of all the people in the world who have leprosy, live in India)
Bible Story: (1 Samuel 18 - 20) - Focus: "The Value of Relationships"
We shed light on the idea that King Saul hated David. He knew that God had anointed David king and that some day in God's timing that David would replace him as king. At different times he even tried to kill David! But David always escaped....after killing Goliath, David had received a job at times of playing music for Saul to calm his soul. Finally Saul conspired to kill David and it was made known to Saul's son Johnathan. Now "John" loved David as much as he loved himself (he gave David his robe, sword, shield, etc). When Johnathan found out about his dad's plot to kill David, he actually warned David and helped him escape. The amazing side of this is that Johnathan by birth would have been the next king of Israel if not for David. So David's death would have meant wealth, fame, and security of John. But he laid down his interests for the love of his friend!
Review Questions:
Normally we have "small groups " with review questions and prayer. However, because of practicing for the small Christmas presentation - we did not have small groups this past week. However, feel free to create your own review questions!
Memory Verse:
John 15:13 - "...No greater love has this, than a man lay down his life for a friend..."
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