Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Prayer Focus:

Our country of focus this week was Ethiopia.  This country is located on the CONTINENT of Africa and is bordered by Sudan & Somali (along with a few other countries).  The capital of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa.  

Prayer Points: 

*  Leaders - wisdom to guide the country
*  Growth - that more people would follow Jesus
*  Missionaries - that there would be more people to go tell Ethiopians about Jesus.

Bible Story: (David & Goliath in - 1 Samuel 17:38-50)

  • David was a shepherd for his father and took care of his father's sheep.
  • At different times a lion & bear tried to kill sheep, but David killed the bear & lion instead
  • When David wasn't shepherding he was writing song & singing songs to God
  • One day, the Prophet Samuel anointed David as the new king 
  • However, David didn't immediately become the king on the throne (until God was ready)
  • The Israelite army was afraid of Goliath the Giant 
  • David fought and killed Goliath the Giant
We focused on the idea that with God all things are possible.  We all face "giants" of different during the week and in every day life.  We stressed to the children that with God's help and entrusting  our lives to Him.  We can overcome all these things!

Review Questions:

  • Why did King Saul lose his thrown? - he disobeyed God
  • What was the name of the young boy who was a shepherd? - David
  • What were the 2 animals that David killed to protect his sheep? - lion and bear
  • What 2 things did David do when not protecting sheep?- sing songs & write songs to God
  • Who poured oil on David and anointed him king? - Samuel the prophet
  • Who was the Giant David  had to fight? - Goliath
  • What did David use  to kill Goliath? - 5 stones and a sling
Memory Verse:

Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..."

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