Friday, October 24, 2008

Sunday - October 19th, 2008

Prayer Focus: 

This week the country children spent time praying for as a group was "Sri Lanka."  As you can see it is located just off the coast of India in the Indian Ocean.
We prayed about the following 3 things:

*  Salvation -  7% of the country are Christians 
*  Missionaries - illegal to share about Jesus
*  Children - poor country; God please provide

Bible Story:  (I Samuel 2:18 & 19 / I Samuel 3:1-10)

This is a story of Hannah; a woman who couldn't have children.  She  then prayed to God and she become pregnant.  She had a  little boy name Samuel who she dedicated to the Lord to serve in the temple.  So Samuel lived at the Temple (church) and served Eli the priest (pastor). One night, when Samuel was a little boy, he heard someone  calling his name.  He ran to Eli and said, "Here I am for you called me."  Eli said, "Go back to be, I didn't call you."  This happened 3 times until Eli realized it may be God.  He told Samuel to answer the voice like this, "Speak Lord for your servant listens."  Samuel did this and it was God calling Him!  They talked about many things that God wanted Samuel to do and Samuel did them.

Focus - (1) we encouraged them that God  speaks & He wants to talk with them no matter how young they are (2) that God wants obedience (obey parents, teachers, leaders, etc)

Review Questions:

1.  Why did God give Hannah a baby boy? - because she prayed and asked God to
2.  What is the boy's name? - Samuel
3.  Why did he live with Eli? - he was helping to serve God in the temple (church)
4.  Who was calling Samuel's name? - God
5.  What was Samuel's response to what God told him? - obedience

Memory Verse:

"Speak God, [I am listening]..." - 1 Samuel 3:9

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